1 – What is Orthome®?

Orthome has been created to help Ophthalmologists and Orthoptists in phorias rehabilitation as well as in lack of convergence correction

2 – How does Orthome® work?

The Tutor decides for which patients to activate a new account. Everyone can connect freely and at any time from his terminal and run his customized exercises.

3 – For how many days does the license last?

Orthome® account , when activated by the Tutor, lasts for 90 days, with possible extension for 15 days more. This chance is granted in order to recover any lost working days (holidays, illness, connection problems)

4 – In which clinical cases Orthome is recommended?

In all those cases of discrete or poor convergence, asymmetry of rotation and/or symptomatic convergence deficit (frontal headache).

5 – At which age is it possible to use Orthome ®?

From 5-6 years of age, or when it’s possible to get a minimum of collaboration in execution of the exercises.

6 – Why static and dynamic exercises were created?

The STATIC exercises allow a continuous and constant contraction of the medial rectus muscles. The DYNAMIC exercises allow a progressive contraction conducing to muscle rest when a good NPC (Next Point of Convergence) is achieved.

7 – Why each exercise is activated one by one?

The goal is to keep patient attention and to transform the exercises into a sort of game. The More you improve, the more the difficulty level increases.

8 – How and when to activate Orthome® account?

Customize Orthome® account according to patient clinical needs. Use Orthome® after performing a minimum number of rehabilitation sessions. Program patient clinical control once a month.

9 – What are STOP – PLAY – FUSION LOSS button?

They help to estimate the degree of muscle fatigue during the orthoptic training.

10 – Can the Tutor remotely monitor patient progresses?

Yes, for sure. While the patient performs the exercises, the Orthome® records all the results obtained. The Tutor can check improvements on automatic graphics and he can also customize muscle rehabilitation.

11 – Which advantages does Orthome® offer?

The patient can perform home exercises without loss of time. The results are objective and are recorded in special charts available online. The Tutor can attend and interfere in order to improve the rehabilitative training.

12 – Why the invoice formula is “Home Orthoptic Service”?

Orthome ® is NOT a software, but a web tool used by vision Professional to monitor and to assist patients. The Tutor can program checks of a patient according to clinical needs.